Goolwa Caravan Park Redevelopment


  • Location: Goolwa
  • Value: $6,000,000 +
  • Period: September 2021 – June 2022
  • Client: Gday Group, Discovery Parks, Masterplan SA PTY LTD, CPR Consulting Engineers


AR Contracting Services constructed the underground services (sewer, water, stormwater, electrical, NBN and gas reticulation), bulk earthworks, roadworks, footpaths, and pump station construction for a holiday caravan park project in Goolwa, a popular tourist town located on the edge of the Murray River and the Southern Ocean. The park offers a water park, sand land, and a BBQ area, along with cabins, campsites and camp kitchens that provide a relaxing atmosphere.


AR Contracting Services faced challenges while working on the unique design of the park. The irregular shape of the footpaths and earthworks required a slower production pace, while the installation of over 6000m of water, stormwater, sewer and common services up to 5m deep in a tight area required care from our team. Despite an accelerated schedule to meet the pre-Christmas opening, a shortage in available resources and the need to manage busy subcontractors, the main project was successfully completed on time. Other upgrade works were completed outside of the peak holiday period to minimise disruption to the park visitors.