Mount Barker, 450mm DICL Watermain


  • Location: Martins Road, Mount Barker, SA 5251
  • Value: $1,000,000
  • Period: May 2018 – September 2018,
    April 2019 – May 2019
  • Client: Lanser Communities, WGA


This project involved the construction of approximately 1,600m of 450mm diameter DICL watermain in Martins Road, Mount Barker.

Martins Road is both narrow and lined by significant trees, which presented a challenge to excavate, backfill and lay watermain within this tight space. The project team used smaller machines so that there was enough space to manoeuvre and avoid trees. In addition, AR Contracting Services worked closely with the Mount Barker Council to set up tree protection zones and to implement other measures to avoid tree damage.


Due to unexpected underground services, major design changes were required including coordinating a major main shutdown to install a 450mm diameter tee into the existing main while minimising disturbance to local network users.